It’s amazing how often we stop ourselves— how often we miss out on amazing moments and adventures.  We’re afraid of getting uncomfortable.  We’re afraid of getting too cold or too hot.  We’re afraid of failing or maybe even succeeding.  We focus so strongly on things outside of us instead of taking stock of what’s important on the inside.  Who cares if it’s raining?  Who cares if you don’t have the proper attire or if you may look a bit out of place?   Be unstoppable.  How?

  • Don’t focus on what you can’t do or what you’re not good at. Focus on what you can do and what you want out of life.
  • Jump in with both feet.  Don’t go half way.  Be fully and completely committed.

If you do just those two things, focus on your strengths and be all in, you can change your life.  You might think I’m crazy to get on a bicycle in 6 inches of snow.  You might think it’s uncomfortable and awkward or maybe even a little dangerous.  That’s why I’m doing it.   I’m practicing being unstoppable.

In my case, my focus is always fun, love and adventure.  And I don’t want anything to get in my way.  I’m not going to let a few inches of white stuff stop the party. So this week, I headed to Traverse City and met up with Ty Schmidt. He’s working to change the world by making cities more bike friendly and getting more kids to bike to school and their parents to bike to work.  Yes, even in the snow.

If you get out there and it feels awkward and really uncomfortable… you’re on to something!  And don’t wait.  Don’t procrastinate.  Someday, one day, is TODAY.

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